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Snapchat’s ‘Dreams’ Feature: Transforming Selfies with Generative AI



Snapchat Introduces New AI Feature “Dreams” to Transform Users’ Selfies into Fantastical Images

Snapchat has unveiled its latest addition to the app, called “Dreams,” a generative AI feature that remixes users’ selfies into imaginative and transformative images. Similar to Snapchat’s well-known AR effects, known as lenses, Dreams uses generative AI to create captivating visuals that turn users’ persona into new identities.

Unlocking Creative Potential with Dreams:

Snapchat’s Dreams feature leverages generative AI to take the art of selfie creation to new heights. Here’s what makes it special:

  1. Seamless Integration: Dreams seamlessly integrates into the Snapchat camera, making it accessible to millions of users with just a tap.
  2. AI-Powered Filters: The heart of Dreams lies in its AI-powered filters. These filters analyze your selfie and generate stunning, artistic variations in real-time.
  3. Artistic Styles: Users can choose from a wide array of artistic styles, from impressionism to pop art. Each style brings a unique touch to your selfie.
  4. Real-Time Feedback: As you apply different filters, you can instantly see the transformations happening, allowing for real-time adjustments and experimentation.
  5. Creative Expression: Dreams lets users express themselves creatively, turning a standard selfie into a work of art.

Accessible in the app’s “memories” section, Dreams prompts users to take selfies from various angles. Using themes like “time travel” or “alternate universes,” the app then generates a series of eight images. Snap plans to eventually allow users to include their friends’ likenesses in their Dreams as well.

Dreams represents Snapchat’s latest experiment with generative AI, following the launch of its MyAI chatbot earlier this year, which utilized OpenAI’s models. While Dreams uses a combination of open source tools and internal data, specific partnership details have not been disclosed.

The introduction of Dreams also showcases Snapchat’s strategy to leverage interest in AI for revenue. Initially limited to Snapchat+ subscribers, the premium subscription tier, MyAI was made available to all users this spring. Subscribers now enjoy specialized features, such as the ability for MyAI to respond to photo Snaps with AI-generated images.

Similarly, Dreams will have both free and paid aspects. Non-Snapchat+ subscribers can access a single “pack” of eight selfies, while subscribers will receive one pack per month. Snap intends to regularly update Dreams with new themes and styles. Additional packs can be purchased for $0.99 through an in-app purchase.

In practice, Dreams displays some limitations seen in other AI-based image generators. While a promotional image released by Snap showed oddly placed partial fingers over the subject’s chest, my own experience with Dreams also yielded images with peculiar-looking hands, although the correct number of fingers appeared in anatomically correct positions.

Nevertheless, I can see how the feature would engage Snapchat users, who have collectively sent over 10 billion messages to MyAI. As other generative AI tools move behind paywalls, Snap’s offerings may be an enticing option for those interested in exploring this technology.

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